What is Urban Studies?

Urban Studies is a field of study that creates innovative, real-world knowledge of the challenges and opportunities of city life. Both inside and outside the classroom, the Urban Studies Department reaps the advantage of the immense complexity and diversity both of New York City as a preeminent global city, and Queens as one of the most diverse counties in the United States. In Urban Studies, we emphasize a multi-disciplinary approach and offer perspectives and faculty expertise in anthropology, sociology, political science, urban planning, history, and other fields.

News/Events/Social Media

Chair: Melissa Checker

Dept. Office: Powdermaker 250
Phone: 718-997-5130
Email: melissa.checker@qc.cuny.edu

College Office Assistant: Jeanne Chan

Dept. Office: Powdermaker 250
Phone: 718-997-5132
Email: jeanne.chan@qc.cuny.edu

For permission to register for courses, please email Jeanne Chan

Degree Programs

Elevated view of buildings. Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash.
New York State Pavilion Observation Towers
Three people sitting in front of their computers
City street at night.
City View
Two people sitting at a table.