As you probably know, the Urban Affairs Master of Arts degree requires that you complete 30 credits or 10 three-credit courses. These include four required courses that you should take as early in your studies as possible. The required courses are:
- URBST 705 – Social Justice in Theory and Practice
- Two of the three of: URBST 718 – Governing the City, URBST 724 – Public Policy in Practice, and URBST 706 – Non-Profits in the 21st Century Metropolis
- One of the three of: URBST 725 – Urban Research Methods, URBST 732 – Researching New York City, or URBST 751 – Critical Perspectives in Urban Research
Students may also be required to take URBST 620 – Urban Research Writing, at the recommendation of the MA Program faculty. Students taking URBST 620 should do so in the Spring of their first year.
The remaining courses are electives, which you can take based upon your interest in their subject matter.
If you are taking URBST 620, you may want to delay URBST 724 until the following semester, since it will require completion of a major research paper.
Final Project: all students are required to do a Final Project and click here for more information.
For a full list of the requirements to complete the MA in Urban Affairs, look at the graduation checklists for those who began their graduate studies before Fall 2016 or those who began their graduate studies at the Fall 2016 semester or afterwards.
Each term you should check in with the MA Advisor about courses, opportunities and general information.
Remember: In order to graduate, you must have an overall “B” or 3.00 average or better and you must submit a final project. During the semester before you plan to graduate, you must submit for review a final project.

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